- Salih Omurtak Sk. No:83 34718 Koşuyolu, KADIKÖY/İSTANBUL-TÜRKİYE
- 24 Hours / 7 days
- + 90 2164283874 ( pbx )
Special Transport
Please be advised for a convoy passage , Agents are obliged to present an application to the Authorities with some documents
attached, thus for arranging smooth operation, we need at least 5 days notice on the estimated arrival time of the convoy to the
strait entrance.
Following informations are required with the application :
The vessel that will be towed’s ;
-departure & arrival ports,
-estimated time of arrival to Strait entrance,
-grt / nrt / dwt / loa / beam / draft / airdraft / flag / displacement / call sign,
-engine’s present condition and maximum speed.
The tugboat’s ;
-flag/grt/nrt/loa/beam/draft/airdraft/call sign/speed,
-power of engine.
Apart from above, following documents / certificates are to be attached to the application :
1. Bollard Pull Certificate,
2. Towage Certificate or Sailing Permission,
3. Certificates about the materials that are to be used for towage (if their ability are not mentioned in above certificates)
issued by its Class or Register,
4. Tonnage Certificate,
5. Class Certificate,
6. Register Certificate,
7. Safety Equipment Certificate,
8. Minimum Safe-Manning Certificate,
9. Radio Certificate,
10. Loadline Certificate,
11. Safety Construction Certificate,

*Either originals of certificates mentioned in item no 4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11, or an original letter signed by Register or
Class confirming their validity, to be presented to the Administration.
12. Detailed drawing, showing towage from above & side view,
13. P&I Certificate,
*Apart from originals of the documents mentioned in this item, also notarized translation of same to be presented
to the Administration.
a. Statement or Confirmation Letter from P+I Club
* This letter shall contain following, with direct expression:
i) That the tugboat and the vessel that’ll be towed, are under P&I cover,
ii) That the Insured is still under PandI cover,
*This is required to prove that the insurance cover is valid, i.e. no any unpaid premiums left, the last premium is
duly paid and thus the policy is still valid.
b. If the Tugboat P&I is not containing coverage of the vessel that’ll be towed, then the seperate P & I policy issued for
the said vessel, to be presented,
c. The valid P&I Certificate issued by P&I Club
*This certificate shall in NO MEANS contain an exemption on ‘COLLUSION’ and ‘POLLUTION’,
d. Valid H+M Insurance policy
Towed Vessel’s:
1. Tonnage Certificate,
2. Ship’s Plan,
3. P&I Certificate,
4. If the Tugboat P&I is not containing coverage of the vessel that’ll be towed, then the seperate P & I policy issued for the towed vessel must also be presented,
5. Valid Hull Insurance policy (if she has engine and it is in use, then the valid Machinery Insurance policy is also required).